What's Happened to Sunday Dinner?

I was having a conversation with my lovely husband Chris ( that does not cook by the way), about our over consumption of food. The conversation was about why we eat so much and how did we get here in the first place.

We discuss what our dinners were like growing up, we both came from very different ideas of what dinner looked like. He grew up with the pasta and quick meals, where in my family it was more meat, potato and vegetables.

But both our families did Sunday Dinner up right, it was roast dinner with all the sides and dessert after. My parent usually had Sunday roast early in the day on Sunday usually about 3 pm and all were expected to be there no exceptions. Which was never a problem, because my Mom usually made pie for dessert.
I try to make Sunday dinner every week, but it never feels quite the same, this leaves me to ask the question why? What's happened to Sunday dinner?

After giving this much thought , I have come to the conclusion that, we have a Sunday type dinner everyday. Which would explain our expanding waist lines as we are getting older. I believe that as Canadian's we live with such abundance that we fool ourselves into believing that this is what a happy family looks like, ( maybe on TV) but are we putting to much of this good life in our bellies and is it making us unhealthy.

Maybe we should think about how it was done in the past, when our parents worked hard to put a healthy meal on the table every night , simple and healthy and definitely not Sunday Dinner.

So in my house we have decided that we need to do little more fasting and not so much feasting on a daily basis, I think it will be better for our health and our pocket book, but more importantly a chance to bring back Sunday dinner, so my Son can enjoy the special times and traditions that were created at that dinner table.

God Bless and Enjoy Every Sunday Dinner


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