Don't buy the dreaded can of Cranberry sauce !!

The thought of that really bad cranberry sauce in a can makes me want to skip Christmas dinner.. But I have a great recipe for you this year.. really easy and quick and you will impress friends and family at the same time. This recipe gives you enough for 8 250ml jars..keep some for yourself, 1 for Christmas dinner and 1 for dressing on your turkey sandwiches with the leftover turkey. Then put some ribbon on the other 6 jars and give as gifts.. But be careful they will want this every year.

Cranberry Sauce

9 cups of fresh cranberries (3bags)

3 cups of sugar ( to taste)

zest of 1 clementime

fruit and juice of same clementime chopped as fine as possible

3cups water

Put all of the ingredients in a large pot and bring to a boil.
Reduce and simmer until it gets thick, stirring and smashing cranberries to the texture you like

This will take less than a 1/2 hour and now you don't have to eat that canned stuff.
Jar as you would jam. or you could cut the recipe and just keep in the fridge in airtight container for couple of days.


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